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Course/Class Detail

Admin > Page Builder > Courses/Classes > Course/Class Detail

This section controls the "Miscellaneous" section of the Course/Class File.  This area allows you to capture and track fields of information that are needed in addition to the standard fields available.  

User View:
- Course File > Main Page > Miscellaneous Tab
- Class File > Class Details Page > Miscellaneous Tab
Student/Manager View: 
- These fields are not available for Managers/Students to see

The very first field on this page controls the name Miscellaneous Tab as you want it to read on daily basis.  If this fields is left blank, then the default name of Miscellaneous Tab will reads "Misc"; otherwise, the name entered here is displayed.

Each of the twenty (20) fields available can be in a fill-in the blank or a drop-down format. All fields are stored in the database as a 'character' field even if numbers or dates are entered.  To activate a misc field, typing a name into the field as it should be displayed. To make the field appear as a drop-down, check the box next to the caption.  Once the page is saved, the name given to the misc field is displayed under the Admin > Codes > Miscellaneous > Course so codes and descriptive values can be entered.


See also