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Home > System Admin Role > Codes (Drop-Down Values) > Companies


Page Location: Admin > Codes > Companies

This code table contains the company code(s) depending on the license and how many companies will be tracked and maintained in Cyber Train.  Each company code tracks company details and address information and the names for the up to five (5) organization levels (e.g. Division, Department, Location, etc.) for tracking and reporting as needed.  The organization level codes can be set to be dependent on the immediate levels above. Once the Company codes and details are entered and saved, go to Admin > Codes > Organizations to add all the actual organization codes per company.


Only Enterprise level customers can enter more than one additional company code other than code 100. 


Company Code 100 has been structured to be used for the sample/implementation company and has a very low student limitation. DO NOT use this Company Code for your employees/students. Instead create a unique alphanumeric code for your company or match the code to your HRMS.  


If changing the organization levels after initial setup is desired, just changing the names of the organization fields in the company code WILL NOT move the codes loaded into the Org code tables. Instead, the Administrator needs to copy the code table (Admin > Processes > Copy Code Table) from the old Org level to the new Org level. If the codes were never used in the first position, they can be deleted.  If they have been used, change the code description by putting a 'Z-' in front of each code to move the code to the bottom of the list and indicate the code is inactive.


Sage HRMS Customers NOTE: If integrating directly with Sage HRMS, matching the company code and the organizational levels and codes are recommended.

Creating Company Codes

Important Considerations:  Cyber Train codes cannot contain certain symbols such as commas, quotes, periods, apostrophes or ampersands and the user will get an error message when trying to enter or import codes containing them. There are also certain character combinations that must be avoided because Cyber Train is programmed to strip them (even if they are in the middle of a code or description) as they can be used by others to reference potentially dangerous procedures or scripts that could cause harm to your Cyber Train system. These combinations include: SP_ or sp_ and XP_ or xp_. Also a double dash will be converted to a single dash. There are a few other combinations not listed here that could be stripped, but it is extremely unlikely that they would be used in codes or descriptions.

After clicking "Add  new record" enter in the necessary information to create a new code. 

General Tab

Field  Purpose 

This is the unique identifier for the drop-down option. This code is written in the raw data and is referenced to determine the description to show on the screen. If the code is removed from the Admin > Codes section, this value will still be in the Course File, Class File, or Student File for reporting purposes unless the file is edited and saved after the code was deleted.

User View: The Company codes/descriptions are available for selection or are displayed in these areas:
- Students > Add Students
- Students > Find Students
- Reports > Report Writer - As Needed
- Class File > Class Details Page > Companies Tab
- Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab
- Admin > Curriculum (Users with Admin Rights Only)

Student/Manager View: N/A

Company Name This is what is displayed on the screens and for users and students when in the system.

User View: The user sees the description for Company Codes that are available to the user.
Student: The student sees the Company Name on Her or His Home Page > My Record > Job Info Section.
Address 1 This field holds the company address line 1 information.

User View: The user sees this information displayed in the company code setup and reports.
Student/Manager View: N/A
Address 2 This field holds the company address line 2 information.

User View:The user sees this information displayed in the company code setup and reports .
Student/Manager View: N/A
City  This field holds the company address city information.

User View: The user sees this information displayed in the company code setup and reports.
Student/Manager View: N/A
State This field holds the company address State information.

User View: The user sees this information displayed in the company code setup and reports.
Student/Manager View: N/A
Zip Code This field holds the company address Zip Code information.

User View: The user sees this information displayed in the company code setup and reports.
Student/Manager View: N/A

This field holds the company address Country information.

User View: The user sees this information displayed in the company code setup and reports.
Student/Manager View: N/A

Phone Number

This field holds the company Phone Number information.

User View: The user sees this information displayed in the company code setup and reports.
Student/Manager View: N/A

Org Titles Tab

This tab stores the labels of the Organization in the company which are referenced in the student file.

Org 1-5 Field  Field Description: These fields correspond to levels of the organization. Levels can be in a hierarchal order;
represent different functions, areas of the organization, or training management process; or match levels in a shared HR system to keep consistency. After the titles are entered here, code tables for each become available in Admin > Codes > Organization Codes where the Administrator can populate them.

User View: Levels have a high profile in Cyber Train:
- Adding Students
- Reporting 
Student/Manager View: The student sees the organization description rather than the code on her/his Job Info page if displayed. The manager does not see this information displayed for her/his students.
Depends On Field Description: These drop-down options allow for a company to link together the organizational levels in a hierarchical fashion. For example, if two departments (Organizational Level 2) are in Alexandria and the rest of the departments are in Reston, a company can make the departments dependent on Location (Organizational Level 1.) This is designated by putting a 1 in the drop-down list. For each location chosen a different department list will appear. Additional setup is needed to link the organizational levels together under Admin > Codes.

User View: Sees this connection on the Students > Add Student process and on the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Info Tab.
Student/Manger View: N/A.

User View: The Company codes are available for selection or are displayed in these areas:
- Students > Add Students
- Students > Find Students
- Reports > Report Writer - As Needed
- Class File > Class Details Page > Companies Tab
- Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab
- Admin > Curriculum (Users with Admin Rights Only)

Student/Manager View: This field is displayed as 'Read Only' for the Student on the Home Page > My Record > Job Info Section and at the top of the Home Page.  Managers will only see students in his/her company unless they have additional User security permissions to search and find other students other than from the Home Page.

Inactivating Codes

These codes cannot be inactivated.

NOTE: If a code cannot be inactivated, it is not recommended to delete the code as this could cause "holes" in your data. Instead, consider adding a "z" to the beginning of the Description field as this will move the code to the bottom of the list as the lists are generally alphabetized and then to train the users/students that anything that starts with a "z" is no longer in use.