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Class Roster Page

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Roster Page

Class File > Roster Page


The Roster Page allows the users to review/update those who are enrolled in the class, awaiting enrollment or need the training requirement.

There are some statistics at the top of the page that help users to see where the class is in terms of its Capacity. Regardless of what tab the user is on, one can always see the total Capacity verse how many people are Enrolled and how many seats are Available or left.

This page works a bit differently than the other pages in the Class File. The Attendees Tab, though the first tab, is the last stop of where students end up upon going through the other tabs. To show the progression this guide is going to start the page in reverse order of the tabs.






The Student Requiring Course Tab lists students who have these training requirements listed on the Student File > Activity Page > Requirement Tab. Thus, it is possible to have the student name listed here and on the Attendees Tab. The name falls off here when the requirement is removed from the Student File.

This tab helps to gauge how many people need the requirement. If the student should be enrolled in this particular class check the box at the end of the Student’s line and click the Enroll button. NOTE: When more students are enrolled than the capacity allows, only the first ones checked are enrolled into the class and the rest are wait listed.

Once the Enroll button is clicked, select the Status from the drop-down list. Today’s date pre-populates the Enrollment Date field but it can be changed as needed. Enter the appropriate Paid option, Paid Date and Note as needed.

Check the checkbox to Send New Enrollment Email to send the student an email confirmation. If there is an approval process, check the checkbox for Enable Approval Process. If the approval process is enabled, the student shows on the Awaiting Approvals Tab.

NOTE: Depending on how the Send New Enrollment Email is worded, sending out the email when the approval request needs to be first may or may not be what is needed at this time. Typically, if an approval request is needed first, this checkbox is solely checked with an Enrollment Status of In Progress (or something similar). If an approval request is not needed, then the email checkbox is solely checked with an Enrollment Status of Enrolled.


The Approvals Tab is where students are listed if they are going through an approval process.

The student can be list here multiple times depending on how many approval levels there are. Additionally, the approvers have an edit Pencil Icon if the approver is a true approver and not a notification approver. The Notify column indicates the kind of approver attached – No (Approver)/Yes (Notification Only). To update an approval manually, click on the Pencil Icon and enter the appropriate answer.

When the approval process is complete, the student is either wait listed or is in the class and listed on the Attendees Tab. The student is wait list automatically if the Capacity of the class is full.


The Wait List Tab is where students are placed when they have successfully gone through the class enrollment approval process BUT the Capacity of the class is full and there is no more Available space.

The status on this tab is always Waiting even if the student was added with another status. Until the student is moved off the wait list, this is the status.

If the student should be enrolled in this particular class check the box at the end of the student’s line and click the Enroll button. Check the checkbox in the header to Select All or check it again to De-Select All.

Select the appropriate Status from the drop-down list. Today’s date defaults in the Enrollment Date but can be changed as needed here. Select the Paid status from the drop-down list and the Paid Date if these are tracked along with a Note as needed. The only checkbox option at this point is to Send New Enrollment Emails as the student has already successfully gone through the class enrollment approval process. Check to send the email to send students confirmation of their class enrollment.

When enrolling students IF the Enrolled status is selected AND the class is full, the page refreshes with the red message and Capacity field at the bottom. This allows users to increase the capacity of the class as needed for documentation as the students are moved from the Wait List Tab to the Attendees Tab.


The Attendees Tab is where all the students who are fully enrolled in the class are held.

Enrolled Date - the date the student was enrolled into the class 
Enrollment Status -  indicates the progress each student has made or is making through the class (Enrolled, Completed, No Show, etc…) 
Paid -  if a payment is required, the column reflects whether the student has paid or not

Grade -  can capture information a couple of different ways:

If there is truly a graded test with a scale and that Grade should be entered, you could see the scale ranging from A, B, C, D or Excellent, Above Average, Average, Below Average, Poor.
If a scale is not needed for grading, you can capture this as Passed/Failed Grade. Other examples are: Achieved/Not Achieved; Done/Not Done; or Completed/Not Completed.

Test Score - is a link which tracks all the test questions and answers per student

Survey - the Icon is a link which contains the student’s comments about the class.

There are some options at the bottom of the page to help with some of the actions that might need to happen with the students in the class. To utilize the buttons check the checkbox at the end of each student record one by one or check the checkbox in the header to Select All or check it again to De-Select All.

If students need to be removed from the class, click the Delete button to take them off this tab. It will be recorded in the student and class history that this action was done. If students need to be emailed click the Email Button. (Refer to the Main Menu Bar > Students > Find Student section of this manual for further information on the email process.)

Lastly if some items need to be printed out as hard copies select the appropriate students and click the Print Button.

There are three (3) printing options available: 
The Print Tests link pulls all selected student’s tests together in one view for consideration.

This displays a real-time snapshot of the information, if a student has not answered the test questions, their test is blank.

The Print Surveys Link pulls all selected student’s surveys together in one view for consideration.

This displays a real-time snapshot of the information such that if a student has not answered the survey questions, their survey blank.



The Print Letters sends an email of PDF letters to the instructor for all selected students.


Note: Letters and certificates can be created in Page Builder.

Select the letter from the drop-down list and check the Add record to each student’s “Correspondence” page to make a historical record of the letter in each student’s file. Click the Cancel Icon to abort the process or the Save Changes Icon to send the Instructor an email of the letters.

This is the message the user, (the student's manager),  receives when the email is sent.


Here is an example of what the email looks like with the letter converted into a PDF.




Click the email button to select an email template to send to selected students.

See also