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Credentials - Manager

Home Page > Manager > Credential

The Credentials section is where Managers go to see what credentials their employees are currently working toward or have completed. Security permissions for this section of the Manager Home Page is determined in the Security > Home Page setup.

What is displayed in this section?
How do I see the details of a credential?
What else do I need to need about credentials?

What is displayed in this section?

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The columns of information displayed on the Credentials section is to help you know a little more about the status of your employee's credentials. Additionally there is a Group button at the top left-hand corner of the table.  When clicked, the page refreshes and groups the students by credentials and the button reads UnGroup.  When the students are grouped by credentials, there is the ability to expand and collapse the list of students under the credential by clicking the credential name.  By default it starts expanded.

Column Name  What the Information Is Actions Available 
Student Name The name of the student/employee is displayed here. The column is sortable by clicking on the Student Name link and you can sort by ascending/descending order.  This is only available when the page is NOT grouped.
Credential The name of the credential is displayed here. The column is sortable by clicking on the Credential link and you can sort by ascending/descending order.  This is only available when the page is NOT grouped.
Description The credential name, who issued it and the renewal frequency display in a hover over here. This column is a hover over to obtain information about the credential. 
Date Taken This date is the date the credential was completed. The column is sortable by clicking on the Date Taken link and you can sort by ascending/descending order.  This is only available when the page is NOT grouped.
Date Expires This date is the date the credential will expire. The column is sortable by clicking on the Date Expires link and you can sort by ascending/descending order.  This is only available when the page is NOT grouped.

How do I see the details of a credential?

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If you want to see more about your employee's credentials, you click on the Student's Name.  This will take you to the Credential Tab of the Student's File.  You will be able to see all the credentials on file for this employee.  If you would like to see more information about a particular credential, click on the Pencil Icon (Edit Option). 

Column Name  What the Information Is Actions Available 
Issued By The Issued By field indicates who is supplying the credential (i.e. a professional organization, a university, a vendor, etc...) N/A
Renewal Frequency If this credential expires, you can see here what the terms are how long the credential lasts before you need to renew it.  If the credential does not expire, the information here should be BLANK. N/A
Status The Status of the credential indicates whether the student is still in pursuit of it or if the student has obtained it.  Typically, the Complete status is used or In Progress. N/A
Status Date Each time the status changes, the status date should be updated here to record historical information appropriately.  This is necessary the update is manual.  N/A
Date Started If the student is working toward a credential or wants to record historically when it started, the information is entered here.  N/A
Date Attained The Date Attained field indicates when the credential was completed.  If there is a renewal frequency on this credential, the Date Attained field helps to calculate the Date Expires field.
Date Expires The Date Expires field indicates when the credential will no longer be applicable. N/A
Cost If the company is picking up the Cost of the credential, enter the information here for the company to consider. N/A
Note This open text field to be used as needed. N/A

What else do I need to know about credentials?

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This section creates reminder messages in the Messages section for you to see which of your employees have credentials expiring in the left-hand menu bar of the Home Page.  The messages number (##) will increase to indicate a new messages. 

Additionally, if the Alerts feature is setup for expiring credentials, automated reminder emails might be sent out to you, your manager and/or training administrator.

See also