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Import Users


The Import User process is a manual import of user information for mass adding new users to the system, or mass updating existing users in the system.


What is displayed on this page?
How do I set up the Import User process?

What is displayed on this page?

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The Import Users menu item of Admin > Processes is designed to import an Excel spreadsheet of user data into the main login table.  


The spreadsheet template is located on the Import User Page.  Click the Download User Import Template button to get the below spreadsheet.  This is the template that needs to be used. 


The file can be saved under any title but the worksheet where the information is listed in the spreadsheet needs to be the default name, Sheet1 and the file itself must be an xls file (Excel 97-2003 Workbook) and not an xlsx file. The worksheet titles are at the bottom of the page and they look like tabs.



Note that the required fields are first and the recommended field are are second. Understanding the types of information needed helps in building the spreadsheet.  The Data Dictionary under Reports > Data Dictionary can also provide information to understand the fields in Cyber Train. 


In the example above :

  • The UserID is the unique identifier to make sure any information in the row (record) goes to the right user profile.  
  • Many of the columns are codes either Y or N. Thus, Yes is Y and No is N.  That column will only accept one of those two values. Whereas Security Group is a code table user defined in the system. Thus, the information in that column MUST match the code NOT the description in that code tables.  
  • StudentID is also one that needs to match the Cyber Train field in the student file if the user and student are to be connected together.  That means the student profile needs to be in the system first and there is a report that was made to get that information out of the system - Student as Users Starter Report

Field Name Type  What it is, where to find it and where it goes in Student File > Contact Info Page
UserID  User Defined but Uppercase This required field is the unique CT user login. If SSO is enabled, this UserID must match the User's Network ID. (UserID may contain letters, numbers, periods (.), dashes (-), backslashes (\), underscores (_) and the @ symbol. UserID may not contain spaces, apostrophes or double or single quotes,
User Name  Open Text This required field identifies the user's full name. It populates various drop-down lists in CT. Suggested to enter the name as First Name Last Name e.g. Jamie Smith for it to show correctly in reports etc. when used.
 Email Address  Open Text This required field holds the user’s email address for sending and receiving emails. Can not contain apostrophes or quotation marks.
 Security Group  Code This required field assigns the user to a specific security group allowing different permissions on courses, classes, students and reports. Enter the Security Group Name (e.g. TRAINING ADMIN, STUDENT, MASTER, etc.)

 Training Admin

 Code This required Y/N field indicates if this user should have the role of a Training Admininstrator in the CT system and show in the Training Admin drop down list. Enter capital Y for Yes or N for No. Most student/users in the system will have this set to No.


 Code This required Y/N field indicates if this user should have the role of an Instructor in the CT system and show in Instructor drop-down lists. Enter capital Y for Yes or N for No. This should always be N for Student only users.
 Admin  Code This required Y/N field controls the entire Admin menu is Cyber Train. If Yes, enter a Y. Most users should have this set to N. (If necessary Custom Links can be used to give access to limited areas of the admin menu as needed)
Student Security All  Code Should this user see ALL students in the system? Enter Y to see all students in the system or N if the user should be limited to a certain group. If N is selected here, use the next 4 fields to determine which students this student can see.
 Student Security Company  Code "Can this user see students who are in the same company as the user?
Values: 'Y' or 'N'
must be in caps
(should be N if the user can see all students)"
 Student Security Supervisor  Code "Can this user see students who this user is the manager or supervisor of the students (employees)?
Values: 'Y' or 'N'
must be in caps
(should be N if the user can see all students)"

 Student Security Instructor 

 Code "Can this user see students where the user is the class instructor for a class the student is taking?
Values: 'Y' or 'N'
must be in caps
(should be N if the user can see all students)"
 Student Security Training Admin  Code "Can this user see students where the user is the training admin for those students?
Values: 'Y' or 'N'
must be in caps
(should be N if the user can see all students)"
 StudentID  Code This field links an existing student file to the user profile so that the person logging in only needs to maintain one login instead of two. When linked, the student/user uses the UserID to login. This field is a numeric field only. Run the 'Students as Users Starter' report under Student Reports to get the Student ID's to enter the right number here.


 Open Text This field contains the password used by this UserID to log into CT. A blank password is not permitted and if left blank on the spreadsheet a password will be automatically created. Passwords are case sensitive and can contain some special characters but should not contain commas(,), ampersands(&), apostrophes(') or single quotes (' ') or double quotes (" "). If Force Change is set to Y, Admin > Security > Password Rules will be enforced. 

 Force Change

 Code  This Y/N field forces the user to change his/her password upon logging into CT for the first time. Enter Y to enable this or N to allow the user to keep the password created. If nothing is entered, it is treated like an N. (Must be in caps)


 Open Text The GUID login (Globally Unique Identifier) is necessary if the GUID login option is selected in System Setup > Auto Login Options for Single Sign-On from another system. It can be up to 38-characters and is alpha-numeric.


 Open Text This is not a field currently used in CT but rather a place hold for future enhancement if needed.
 Phone Number  Open Text Contains the phone number for this user.
 Phone Number Extension
 Open Text Contains the phone number extension for this user.

How do I set up the Import User process?

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Click the Download User Import Template button to get the template for importing users. 

- The import only works with this spreadsheet.  If one is exporting information out of an HRIS system, export the data in the order of these columns as close as possible and then cut and paste the information into this spreadsheet. 

- Only the required fields are needed for the import to work.  Leave the other fields blank if there is no information for them.


There is an Update existing users checkbox that when checked will update existing records if the UserID that is on the spreadsheet is already in the system.



















Click "Choose File" (depends on browser) to locate the file to import and click the Import button to bring the file into the system.



See also