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Home > System Admin Role > Page Builder > xAlerts


Admin > Page Builder > Alerts 

Alerts Overview     
Alerts Library                       
Frequently Asked Questions 
Step 1: Contact Product Support 
Step 2: Create Email Templates  
Step 3: Setup for Use 



Alerts Overview

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Alerts are automated email notifications, reminders, etc... for various training activities. Visibility Software created, updates and maintains a library of programmed, standard alerts for selection. End users cannot create Alerts. Once the desired alert is selected, decide what email template should be sent when the alert is run.  

Every night a scheduled process runs (via Task Scheduler on the server) triggering the CTAlerts.exe to run. This looks for certain conditions for each activated alert.  If the conditions are met, the alert is generated, and an email is sent out.  A record of this entered into the alerts for historical purposes and for reference. Each alert looks for a different set of conditions.
Detailed instructions on setting up the Task to run are included in the most recent copy of the installation manual.  If you do not have this manual, please reach out to the support team.

Step 2: Create Email Templates

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  1. Go to Admin > Page Builder > Correspondence Templates
  2. If you want to use email templates already in the system, Standard Email Templates, then click on the Pencil Icon for each one you intend to use and verify the template.
  3. If you want to use custom email templates, then on the Custom Email Tab, click Add new record link in the top left-hand corner of the table to add a new email template for the alert

Step 3: Setup for Use

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  1. Go to Admin > Page Builder > Alerts
  2. Alerts are queued up in CT as 'Inactive' because they are not ready for use yet. Check the box 'Show Inactive' at the bottom of the page to see them. Inactive alerts are shaded red.
  3. Click on the 'Edit' icon (pencil) for an alert you want to make active.
  4. Select the appropriate email template for this alert.
  5. Uncheck the box 'Inactive'
  6. Click on the Save Changes Icon
  7. Repeat this process for each alert imported.

This is all that is needed to set up the alerts and the window scheduler will run each night sending out the right alerts as setup. 

NOTE FOR FIRST TIME USE:  If there are outstanding approvals, requests, etc... in the system, an email alert will generate for each item you have selected to be monitored nightly.  Thus several emails could be generated on the first time use of this feature.  Therefore, it is suggested you let your employees know of this possibility to help eliminate confusion.

Alerts Library

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The 'Alerts Library' displays a table of alerts from which to choose.  All Alerts are part of your system.  If you see one in the list below but is it NOT part of your active list, click on the box on the bottom of the page to show all 'Inactive' alerts.  This will display all options and you can then activate the alert for your system by clicking on the name of the alert. 
Custom Alerts can be created for Credentials, Requirements, Classes, External Classes and Tuition Assistance. If you need assistance creating a custom alert created, please reach out to the support team.  There is a charge ($200/hr) for the time spent to create the criteria used in the custom alert. Being as specific as possible regarding the purpose and the fields needed in the email will help keep the cost down on the development time. 


Date Trigger 

Other Field Considerations 

 Additional Information

Credential Expiring in 90 Days (Student) Date Expires = 90 Days from today Credential "Date Expires" 
Student "Active"
Credential Status = "Active"
Use the merge field {Certifications} to pull the student's full list of credentials.
Credential Expiring in 30 Days (Student)  Date Expires = 30 Days from today Credential "Date Expires"
Student "Active"
Credential Status = "Active"
Use the merge field {Certifications} to pull the student's full list of credentials.
Credential Expiring in 7 Days (Student) Date Expires = 7 Days from today Credential "Date Expires"
Student "Active"
Credential Status = "Active"
Use the merge field {Certifications} to pull the student's full list of credentials.
Credential Expiring in 90 Days (Manager) Date Expires = 90 Days from today Credential "Date Expires"
Student "Active"
Credential Status = "Active"
Use the merge field {Certifications} to pull the student's full list of credentials.
Credential Expiring in 30 Days (Manager) Date Expires = 30 Days from today Credential "Date Expires"
Student "Active"
Credential Status = "Active"
Use the merge field {Certifications} to pull the student's full list of credentials.
Credential Expiring in 7 Days (Manager)
Date Expires = 7 Days from today Credential "Date Expires"
Student "Active"
Credential Status = "Active"
Use the merge field {Certifications} to pull the student's full list of credentials.
Credential Expiring in 90 Days (Custom)
Date Expires = 90 Days from today Credential "Date Expires"
Student "Active"
Credential Status = "Active"
Use the merge field {Certifications} to pull the student's full list of credentials.
Credential Expiring in 30 Days (Custom)
Date Expires = 30 Days from today Credential "Date Expires"
& Student "Active"
Credential Status = "Active"
Use the merge field {Certifications} to pull the student's full list of credentials.
Credential Expiring in 7 Days (Custom)
Date Expires = 7 Days from today Credential "Date Expires"
& Student "Active"
Credential Status = "Active"
Use the merge field {Certifications} to pull the student's full list of credentials.
Credential Expired (Student)
Date Expires = Today Credential "Date Expires"
& Student "Active"
Credential Status = "Active"
Use the merge field {Certifications} to pull the student's full list of credentials.
Credential Expired (Manager)
Date Expires = Today Credential "Date Expires"
& Student "Active"
Credential Status = "Active"
Use the merge field {Certifications} to pull the student's full list of credentials.
Credential Expired (Default Email)
Date Expires = Today Credential "Date Expires"
& Student "Active"
Credential Status = "Active"
Use the merge field {Certifications} to pull the student's full list of credentials.
Credential Approval 7 Days Past Due
Today = 7 days after request submitted Credential "Date Expires"
& Student "Active"
Status Date
This alert is re-occurring until the approval is done. 
Requirement Needed in 30 Days (Student)
Date Needed = 30 Days from Today's Date Requirement "Date Needed"
Student "Active"

Requirement Needed in 7 Days (Student)
Date Needed = 7 Days from Today's Date Requirement "Date Needed"
Student "Active"

Requirement Needed in 1 Day (Student)
Date Needed = 1 Day from Today's Date  Requirement "Date Needed"
Student "Active"

Requirement Needed in 30 Days (Manager)
Date Needed = 30 Day from Today's Date   Requirement "Date Needed"
Student "Active"

Requirement Needed in 7 Days (Manager)
Date Needed = 7 Day from Today's Date   Requirement "Date Needed"
Student "Active"

Requirement Needed in 1 Day (Manager)
Date Needed = 1 Day from Today's Date   Requirement "Date Needed"
Student "Active"

Requirement Needed in 30 Days (Training Admin)
Date Needed = 30 Day from Today's Date   Requirement "Date Needed"
Student "Active"

Requirement Needed in 7 Days (Training Admin)
Date Needed = 7 Day from Today's Date   Requirement "Date Needed"
Student "Active"

Requirement Needed in 1 Day (Training Admin)
Date Needed = 1 Day from Today's Date   Requirement "Date Needed"
Student "Active"

Requirement Needed by Today (Student)
Date Needed = Today's Date   Requirement "Date Needed"
Student "Active"

Requirement Needed by Today (Manager)
Date Needed = Today's Date Requirement "Date Needed"
Student "Active"

Requirement Needed by Today (Training Admin)
Date Needed = Today's Date   Requirement "Date Needed"
Student "Active"

Requirement Past Due 14 Days (Student) Date Needed = 14 Days in the Past of Today's Date

Requirement "Date Needed"

Student "Active"

New Class Created (Instructor)  Request Date = 1 Day Past Today's Date

New Class record in the Classes Table

Instructor field contains a value

There is a standard email template available. The email template has an option to send upon the class being created too with calendar attachment.  Calendar attachment is not an option from the alert.
Class Starts in 7 Days (Student) Class Start Date = 7 Days from Today's Date Class "Start Date" 
Student Status "Active"
Student Class Status "Enrolled"

Class Starts in 7 Days (Manager)
Class Start Date = 7 Days from Today's Date Class "Start Date"
Student Status "Active"
Student Class Status "Enrolled"

Class Starts in 7 Days (Secondary Approver)
Class Start Date = 7 Days from Today's Date Class "Start Date"
Student Status "Active"
Student Class Status "Enrolled"

Class Starts in 7 Days (Training Admin)
Class Start Date = 7 Days from Today's Date Class "Start Date"
Student Status "Active"
Student Class Status "Enrolled"

Class Starts in 7 Days (Instructor)
Class Start Date = 7 Days from Today's Date Class "Start Date"
Student "Active"

Class Approval 2 Days Past Due Class Request Date = 2 Days Past     Class Approval Status/Date
Student "Active"
This alert is re-occurring until the approval is done.
Outstanding Class Survey (Student)
Class End Date = 7 Days Past

Survey Incomplete

Class Status "Closed"

Student Enrollment Status = 'Complete"

Outstanding Class Test (Student)
Class End Date = 7 Days Past Test Incomplete
External Class Approval 2 Days Past Due (Approver)
Request Date = 2 Days Past Request "Pending Request Approval" Status/Date
"Active" Students
This alert is re-occurring until the approval is done.
External Class Approval 14 Days Past Due (Fill in the Blank)
Request Date = 14 Days Past Request "Pending Request Approval" Status/Date
"Active" Students
This alert is re-occurring until the approval is done.
External Class Complete Approval 2 Days Past Due (Approver)
Request Date = 2 Days Past  Request "Pending Completion Approval"
"Active" Students
This alert is re-occurring until the approval is done.
External Class Complete Approval 14 Days Past Due (Fill in the Blank)
Request Date = 14 Days Past Request "Pending Completion Approval" Status/Date 
"Active" Students
This alert is re-occurring until the approval is done.
 External Class Reimbursement Alert (Custom) Request Date = 1 Day Past

External Class Status = Complete

Student Status = Active

All Completion Approvers (if there are approvers) have approved. 

This alert goes out one time to a designated email to initiate reimbursement. 
Tuition Assistance Approval 2 Days Past Due (Approver)
Request Date = 7 Days Past Request "Approval" Status/Date
"Active" Students
This alert is re-occurring until the approval is done. 
Tuition Assistance Approval 14 Days Past Due (Fill in the Blank)
Request Date = 14 Days Past Request "Approval" Status/Date
"Active" Students
This alert is re-occurring until the approval is done. 
 Welcome Alerts    

Welcome to Cyber Train Alert

Hire Date = 1 Day Past Today's Date Student Status = Active There is a standard email template available. The email template has an option to send upon manually adding a new student into the system.

Required Training Alert - 3 Days past hire date (Manager)

Hire Date = 3 Days Past Today's Date

Student Status = Active

Student Manager contains a value

At least 1 Requirement is listed on Activity Page


Required Training Alert - 3 Days past hire date (Student)

Hire Date = 3 Days Past Today's Date

Student Status = Active

At least 1 Requirement is listed on Activity Page


Required Training Alert - 7 Days past hire date (Manager)

Hire Date = 7 Days Past Today's Date

Student Status = Active

Student Manager contains a value

At least 1 Requirement is listed on Activity Page


Required Training Alert - 7 Days past hire date (Student)

Hire Date = 7 Days Past Today's Date Student Status = Active

At least 1 Requirement is listed on Activity Page

License Level Approaching

1st of the month 





Active Student Count is above 90% (1st of the month


Active Student Count is above 95% (Mondays)

Sends an email to which will create a case and send a confirmation to the customer's default account.

Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I make an alert active or inactive?
Alerts that are inactive display in a shaded red color.  Check the 'Show Inactive' checkbox at the bottom to see inactive alerts because by default the checkbox is not checked and inactive alerts hide.  Click on the Pencil Icon to edit the desired alert. Check the 'Inactive' checkbox in the alert to make it inactive or uncheck it to make it active.  

How do I know if my alert is working? 
If you click on alert name in your Cyber Train system, you will see an email log of all emails sent because the conditions of the alert were right.   The Last Ran is the date the window scheduler ran and found this alert match.  From here you can see who was emailed as well as details of the email that was sent to the person.  If you feel the conditions were right and nothing displays here, do a test and setup another event to where you think it should make the alert go and/or contact product support to see if something has changed.

See also