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Deltek GCS Premier

The transfer process between GCS Premier and Cyber Recruiter is done via a file transfer.  There is one page for each person which is completed and then a whole list of new hire information can be transferred at one time. 

Step 1: Prepare the Applicant & Complete Required Fields

Page Location: Applicant File > GCS Premier

This page is necessary to transfer Applicants into GCS Premier because it contains information that doesn’t already exist in Cyber Recruiter.  The data from this page in addition to standard data that Cyber Recruiter stores are transferred for new hires.  Before transferring an applicant from Cyber Recruiter to GCS Premier, ensure that this page is complete and contains all the required information for that Applicant. 

Find the Applicant to export - Applicants > Find Applicant.  Once the Applicant is located enter the necessary information as needed in the Main Tab and the Tax Info Tab. 

All User-Defined codes must be set in Admin > Codes prior to being used on this page. All fields set as required fields must be completed on this screen prior to export or the file will generate an error and this Applicant/ Employee File will not be included in the export to GCS Premier. Defaults will occur as the Administrator setup them to apply.


Main Page

- Employee #
- Employee Type (Required)
- Hourly / Salaried
- Rate Type
- Pay Rate
- Pay Frequency (Required)
- Division
- Department (Required)
- OBS Number
- Work State
- Tax State
- Labor Category (Required)

Tax Info

- Federal WH Flag
- State WH Flag
- Federal Filing Status
- State Filing Status
- FICA Exempt
- Fed Exemptions (Required)
- State Exemptions (Required)
- Fed Additional
- State Additional
- FUTA Exempt
- SUTA Exempt

Step 2: Add Record to the Export File

Click on the red link at the bottom of the page to add this Applicant to the export file. The red indicator will change to indicate whether the applicant is on the list of applicants to be exported.  In this example, the link has been clicked.

Step 3: Generate Export File

Page Location: Applicants > GCS Premier Export

After verifying and adding the Applicant to the export file, from the main menu bar select Applicants > GCS Premier Export to generate the export file.

If the Administrator has the Employee ID set to automatically generate, when the Applicant is added to the list, an ID number is assigned.  This ID number is grayed out and reads ‘Auto’ on the Applicant File > GCS Premier Page. If the Employee ID does not automatically generate, it pulls from the Applicant File > GCS Premier Page > Employee ID Field.  

This table displays the Applicants who have been added to the export file via the Applicant File > GCS Premier Page.  To add additional applicant to the list, press the Add button and find the Individual.  To remove Applicants from the list, check the box at the end of the Individual name click the Delete Selected button.  Checking the checkbox in the top of the table will place checkmarks or remove check marks next to everyone’s record. Everyone listed here will be included in the export file.  

Click the Export button to create the export file.  Enter the name of the file in the Filename field.  Cyber Recruiter will save the last export file created. However, this file will be overwritten each time the export process is run.

Step 4: Verify Results

Corrections Needed

This page lists any errors that occurred during the export process.  If the error log indicates that some employees are missing information, the information for those employees should be entered and another export performed.  Click the Print link to print a report as needed t and click the Individual name to enter the file o make the necessary changes.  Re-run the export process; the export process can be run as many times as needed to obtain an error free file.   

Saving the file

If the error log indicates that all individuals were Exported Successfully, right-click the indicated link and choose Save Target As to download the ASCII text file created to the network or hard drive.  This file is then imported into GCS Premier using the preprocessor.  Click on the Return to GCS Export Page to finish the process.

Step 5: Prepare Export List for Next Batch

To prepare the GCS Export page for the next batch of new hires, checking the checkbox in the top of the table will place a checkmark next to the Applicant’s names. Then, press the Delete Selected button to remove them from this list.

Step 6: Import into GCS premier

Using the Employee Preprocessor module of GCS Premier, browse to the file generated by Cyber Recruiter.  Import this file and verify the data for accuracy upon bringing the file into the system.

Data Mapping

** This information was adapted from the Deltek GCS Premier Specification document ***This program will update existing records and add new records, but will not delete records. "Deletes" must be performed manually through the Deltek GCS Premier program. The Input Data file should contain new employees and employees with changes, but may contain all employees if desired.

All input will be validated as follows:




Employee ID


Must be unique.

Division Number


Must be numeric. Must be less than or equal to number of divisions set up in the General Ledger Control File.

Department Number


Must be in Deltek GCS Premier's Department/Transaction Code File.

Last Name, First Name & Middle Initial


Must be unique in the Deltek GCS Premier Employee Master File. New employees must have both a First and Last Name.

OBS Number


If OBS numbers are used, must be in proper format

(XX.XX.XX.XX.XX.XX). They must also exist in the Deltek GCS Premier.

Social Security Number


Must be in format 999-99-9999. Required for new employees.



Must be Male or Female. May be blank for consultants.

Marital Status


Must be Single, Married, Divorced or Widowed. May be blank for consultants.



Must be Active or Inactive.

Employee Type


Must be Regular, Part Time or Consultant.



Must be Yes or No.

Rate Type (Single record format only)


Must be Annual, Salaried, or Hourly.



Must be numeric.

Pay Frequency


Must be Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Semi-Monthly or Monthly.  May be blank for consultants.

Working State


Must exist in the Deltek GCS Premier State Name Table (uses Postal abbreviations). May be blank for consultants.

Default Suffix


Must be 00, 39, 40, 41, or 42.

Hourly or Salaried Flag


Must be Hourly or Salaried. May be blank for consultants

Labor Category


Must exist in the Deltek GCS Premier Job Category Table.  May be blank for consultants.

Earned Income Credit Flag


Must be Full, Half, Single or No

Federal Withholding Flag


Must be Yes or No. N for consultants.

Federal Filing Status


Must be Single or Married. Required if Federal Withholding Flag = Y

State Filing Status


Must be Single, Married, 1, 2, 3, 4. Required if State Withholding Flag = Y

Number of Federal Exemptions


Must be numeric.

Number of State Exemptions


Must be numeric.

Additional Federal Withholding


Must be numeric.

Additional State Withholdings


Must be numeric.

Taxing State

Working State

Must exist in Deltek GCS Premier’s State Name Table (use Postal abbreviations). May be blank for consultants.

FICA Exempt Flag

N for Regular or Part-Time Employees. Y for consultants

Must be Yes or No.

FUTA Exempt Flag

N for Regular or Part-Time Employees. Y for consultants

Must be Yes or No.

SUTA Exempt Flag

N for Regular or Part-Time Employees. Y for consultants

Must be Yes or No.

Date of Birth


Must be a valid date or zeros.  Must be in the YYYYMMDD format.




Street Line 2









Zip Code (first five)



Zip Code (last four)



High Compensation Flag


Must be High, Low, or Ineligible

Key Employee Flag


Must be Yes or No

See also