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Version 12 Reports

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The following reports and dashboards were added to the system with version 12.  These reports are available to customers using the Professional and Enterprise version of Cyber Recruiter. If you do not see these options, go to admin > security > group security and update access to the different report categories and dashboards. 


Reports in each category

  1. Requisition Management
    1. Day Open - Open Reqs
    2. Days Open
    3. Days to Approve Req and Open
    4. Internal Applicants
    5. Jobs Opened by Month
    6. Open Reqs by Hiring Manager
    7. Open Reqs by Recruiter
    8. Open Requisitions Applicant Status Flow
    9. Outstanding Req Approval
    10. Req Job Description
    11. Requisitions - Days to Approve and Open
    12. Requisition Activity Summary
    13. Time to Fill - Multiple Openings
    14. Time to Fill Report by Hiring Manager
    15. Time to Fill Report
    16. Why Open Report
  2. Applicant Evaluation
    1. Applicant Routing by Requisition
    2. Cell Phone Number look-up
    3. Duplicate check with Middle Name
    4. Interview Evaluation Data
    5. Interviews - Upcoming
    6. Interviews by Applicant Name
    7. Interviews by Date
    8. Interview by Interviewer
    9. Interviews by Requisition
    10. Interviews Requested by Hiring Manager
    11. Interview Requested
    12. New Applicants - Ready for Initial Evaluation
    13. Open Requisitions - Total Applicants by Hiring Manager
    14. Open Requisitions - Total Applicant by Recruiter
    15. Open Requisitions-Hiring Manager
    16. Open Requisitions-Recruiter
    17. Outstanding Interview Evaluations
    18. Outstanding Routings by Requisition
    19. Outstanding Routings by Route Date
    20. Outstanding Routings by Routed To
    21. Phone Screens Requested by Hiring Manager
    22. Phone Screens Requested
    23. Recruiter Open Requisitions
    24. Requisition Attached Applicants
  3. Offers and Onboarding
    1. Offer Created-No Approvers-Not Extended
    2. Offers Accepted or Rejected
    3. Offers Extended
    4. Offers Requested - Not Created
    5. Offers Requested
    6. On-boarding Forms
    7. Outstanding Offer Approvals
    8. Tasks - Complete by Date Range
    9. Tasks - Complete Last 30 days
    10. Tasks - Outstanding
    11. Tasks Complete - Last 7 days
    12. Tasks Complete - Last 30 days
  4. Sources
    1. Applicants by Position Referral Source
    2. Applicants Hired by Position Referral Source
    3. Employee Referral Applicants
    4. Employee Referral Bonus
    5. Employee Referrals Who Where Hired
    6. First Time Applicants Referral Source
    7. First Time Applicants Referral Source-Hired
    8. Internal Applicants Hired
    9. Internal Applicants
    10. Jobs Opened by Month
    11. Referral Source Trends - New Applicants - Hired
    12. Referral Source Trends - New Applicants 
  5. History
    1. AAP Summary by EEO Class and Gender
    2. AAP Summary by EEO Class
    3. Affirmative Action Report
    4. Applicant and connected reqs
    5. Applicant Last AppReq Status
    6. Applicant Status Flow by Position
    7. Closed Reqs-Days to Approve Req and Open
    8. Closed Requisition - Total Applicants by Hiring Manager
    9. Closed Requisition - Total Applicants by Recruiter
    10. Closed Requisitions-Hiring Manager
    11. Closed Requisitions-Recruiter
    12. Cost Per Hire
    13. Disabled Applicant Summary by EEO Class
    14. Duplicate Check with Middle Name
    15. Hired by Month Trend
    16. Hired by Month
    17. Hired Ratio by Job Classification
    18. Hired Ratio by Job Title
    19. Hired Ratio by Requisition
    20. History Report of Applicant Status Changes
    21. Internal Applicants Hired
    22. Jobs Opened by Month
    23. New Applicants
    24. Offered Accepted or Hired - History
    25. Protected Veteran Summary by EEO Class
    26. Recruiting Flow Report
    27. Requisition Activity Summary
    28. Requisitions - Total Applicants by Recruiter
    29. Routings by Requisition
    30. Time to Fill by Recruiter

New Dashboards


Dashboards pull sections of report to a centralize view for easy viewing.  Below are the segments included on each of the new dashboards. 

  1. Overview
    1. Applicants by Referral Source
    2. Hires by Referral Source
    3. Open Requisitions Activity Summary
    4. Averages Days Open - Open Reqs
    5. Open Requisitions by Recruiter
    6. Outstanding Req Approvals - Pie Chart and Grid
    7. Outstanding Routings by Date
    8. Upcoming Interviews
    9. Average Time to Fill by Recruiter
    10. Time to Fill
    11. Hires by Month by Org Level 1
    12. Total Hires by Month
    13. Hired by Month - Details
  2. Open Reqs
    1. Open Requisitions by Recruiter - Pie Chart and Grid
    2. Open Requisitions by Hiring Manager - Pie Chart and Grid
    3. Average Days Open by Recruiter - Bar Chart and Grid
    4. Average Days Open
    5. Days to Approve and Open
    6. Outstanding Req Approvals - Pie Chart and Grid
    7. Applicant Flowy by Open Requisition
  3. Recruiting
    1. Open Requisition per Recruiter
    2. Open Requisitions - Applicants per Recruiter
    3. Open Requisitions per Hiring Manager
    4. Open Requisitions - Applicants per Hiring Manager
    5. Applicants Attached to Open Requisitions
    6. Ready for Evaluation by Recruiter
    7. New Applicants Ready for Initial Evaluation
    8. Outstanding Routings by Recipient
    9. Outstanding Routings
    10. Phone Screens Requested by Recruiter - Graph and Grid
    11. Phone Screens Requested by Hiring Manager - Graph and Grid
    12. Interviews Requested by Recruiter - Graph and Grid
    13. Interviews Requested by Hiring Manager - Graph and Grid
    14. Upcoming Interviews - Graph and Grid
    15. Outstanding Interview Evaluations - Graph and Grid
    16. Offer Requested - Not Created
    17. Outstanding Offer Approvals - Graph and Grid
    18. Offers Extended Details
    19. Offers Accepted (Hired) or Rejected in Last 6 months
    20. Offers Accepted or Rejected
    21. Outstanding Tasks by Date
    22. Outstanding Tasks Detail
    23. Tasks Complete Last 30 Days - Graph and Grid
    24. Onboarding Forms
  4. Sources
    1. Applicants by Position Referral Source
    2. Applicants Hired by Position Referral Source
    3. First Time Applicant Referral Source
    4. Hired First-Time Applicant Referral Source
    5. Employee Referrals - Applicants Detail
    6. Employee Referrals - Hired Detail
    7. Internal Applicants
    8. Internal Applicants Detail - Graph and Grid
  5. Req History
    1. Jobs Opened by Month
    2. Closed Requisitions - Days to Approve and Open
    3. Average Time to Fill by Recruiter
    4. Time to Fill - Recruiter - Graph and Grid
    5. Average Time to fill by Hiring Manager
    6. Hiring Manager - Graph and Grid
    7. Closed Reqs by Recruiter
    8. Recruiter - Graph and Grid
    9. Closed Reqs by Manager
    10. Number of Applicants on Closed Reqs by Recruiter
    11. Number of Applicants on Closed Reqs by Hiring Manager
    12. Closed Reqs - # of Applicants Attached
    13. Reason Open
    14. Hired Ratio by Job Classification
    15. Hired Ratio by Requisition
  6. App History
    1. Applicant Last Attached Req Status - Graph and Grid
    2. Status Summary
    3. Offers Rejected, Offers Accepted or Hired
    4. Affirmative Action Report by EEO Class & Ethnic Origin
    5. Applicants by EEO Class & Gender - Graph and Grid
    6. Disability by EEO Class - Graph and Grid
    7. Protected Veteran Report by EEO Class - Graph and Grid
    8. Hired by Month Trend

See also